La Chercha.. tu espacio y el mio!

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Stop The Madness!

A Lovelock high school teacher was arrested on suspicion of exposing her breasts to students...remained in jail Sunday in lieu of $537,211 bail.
We're now going to punish poor, innocent teachers attempting to collect a few bead necklaces which will probably be used by underprivileged art students. What is this world coming to? And how does a teacher's farmer brother fit into a 2 year investigation over flashing? I'm guessing CNN isn't going to cover this one anytime soon.


  • At 11:21 a. m., Blogger Bracuta said…

    Com que hoy no llegas viva a tu casa???? Qu� pasa? A qui�n tengo que sonar para que llegues bien???

  • At 11:56 a. m., Blogger Dgrasiaiiita said…

    A mi primo.. pero ya.. le di tingola por donde mas le duele, ya estoy aqui en casa ya! lol


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