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Yahoo! 360?

Furilo nos pone en la pista del nuevo servicio de Yahoo!: Yahoo! 360?, cuya beta se lanzar�a el 29 de este mes y que incluye un sistema de publicaci�n de blogs y muchas cosas:

Me da que va a estar bien. ?Y qui�n no es usuario de Yahoo! a estas alturas? Que levante la mano.

Actualizaci�n: seg�n The New York Times (datos registro) el servicio se presentar� hoy, y la beta s�lo estar� disponible para usuarios de Yahoo! previamente invitados a probarla:
YAHOO PLANS SOCIAL NETWORK PRODUCT Yahoo will announce today a new service called Yahoo 360 that will let users create discrete, and private, social networks that allow friends to share such things as photographs, restaurant reviews and lists of favorite songs. Friends can read one another's blogs, peruse other musings and sift through photo albums, but only after a user gives permission. The service will go live on March 29, said Julie Herendeen, the Yahoo vice president overseeing Yahoo 360, but will be available only to Yahoo users who are invited to test it.

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