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How to make $1000 a week selling ‘Tempo’. How some Dominicans make good cash selling poison in New York

Tempo:Better than the crack game

Here is some Raw data that I am putting together for this piece:
(Rare Pictures of Tempo prep lab coming soon!)

I promised my Tempo Peddling friends that I wouldn’t share the exact recipe and procedures of their trade.

4 packs of pure Tempo $40
8 Boric Acid Bottles $15
250 Tiny Envelopes $12
Photocopies of tempo Labels $5
Scissors $3
3 Glue sticks $5
Really good Dust mask $15
Surgical gloves $5

Tempo is sold for $5 a pop the same price of a Nickel bag of weed.
$100 Investment Yields $500

Respect five-O
Most of the time cops know what you are doing and will leave you alone. Respect Police space and they will leave you alone. They have bigger fish to fry.

The best ways to sell your Tempo is to sell them to bodegueros.
But just be aware that you might have to sell the tempo for 3 dollars so that it can be sold for $5
Peddle Tempo 20 feet away from Train entrance.

Don't be a moron:
Avoid selling Tempo in the subway.(don’t laugh, I’ve seen it). Selling white powdery poison in this post 911 world doesn’t float with the transit police. If you sell Tempo in the subways you are buying yourself a one way ticket to Guantanamo Bay, baby!You better like orange jumpsuits and Geneva Convention approved torture.

Best times to sell Tempo:
12:00 thurdays,Friday,Saturday,Sunday


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